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Physics IV 3, 4 s.h.

Introduction to quantum mechanics and other topics in modern physics, including special relativity, atomic and solid state physics. Offered spring semesters.

This calculus-based course is part of a four-semester sequence intended primarily for physics and astronomy majors and other physical science or engineering majors who seek an in-depth introduction to physics (PHYS:1701, PHYS:1702, PHYS:2703, and PHYS:2704). This course is a continuation of PHYS:2703 and topics include an introduction to quantum mechanics and other topics in modern physics, including special relativity, atomic and solid state physics. Grades are determined by homework, midterm exams, a final exam, and performance in lab sessions. The three weekly lectures are given by the course instructor, and the weekly lab is conducted by a teaching assistant. For 3 s.h. credit, register for Lec 000B. For 4 s.h. credit, register for Lec 000A and a lab section.  Labs do not meet the first week of the semester. Lab manuals are provided as PDF on the ICON course webpage. Taught only during spring semester.

Prerequisites: (PHYS:1612 or PHYS:2703) and (MATH:1860 or MATH:1550)

for 3 s.h. option—nonmajor