Black Culture and Experience 3 s.h.
This course explores black culture and experience within a contemporary perspective. Readings, interactive experiences, course assignments (interview, essays and final paper) and unit quizzes will offer students the opportunity to better understand black culture in the 21st century. The course will explore a variety of important societal topics such as: education, religion, literature, theater, media, politics, sports, criminal justice, health and economics.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesInequality in American Sport 3 s.h.
This course offers students an introduction to current scholarship and debates surrounding issues of inequality in sport. Students will learn how to use a critical cultural studies perspective to examine the meaning of sport within the U.S. In particular, the course focuses on the relationships and dynamics of inequities in sport structured along such lines as class, gender, sexuality, ability, race, ethnicity, and religion. The class is offered in a lecture/discussion section format. Requirements include: multiple short reflection writing assignments; reading assignments; lecture attendance and engagement; discussion section attendance and participation; and course roundtable attendance and participation.
Required course text & technology
McGraw Hill Connect
The required textbook for this course is the Connect (digital) format of Coakley's "Sports in Society" (2020). The Connect platform provides an interactive eBook and integrates with ICON for online assignments.
The University of Iowa’s Inclusive Access program will be used to provide required course materials. Your IOWA student account (UBILL) will then be charged $50 by the HawkShop, unless you opt out prior to the last add date of the semester. Specific opt out information will be provided in the syllabus.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesGlobal Migration 3 s.h.
This course, which fulfills the General Education requirement for “Diversity and Inclusion,” introduces you to the various dimensions of migration in our contemporary world with a focus on the United States as a destination country. It examines the movement of people, practices and ideas with attention to broader historical, cultural, economic and political structures that shape these flows. How do macro-level processes such as free trade agreements shape intimate dynamics of personal identity, family and community? What are the relationships between sending and receiving countries? And, at a personal level, how are migrants linked to those in the receiving country on the one hand and those who remain in the homeland on the other? Although our primary focus is migration to the United States, these case studies will offer insight into broader questions of who moves, why they leave their place of origin, how they are received by host societies, why they select one destination over another, and how transnational migration shapes peoples’ emotional, imaginative and social lives.
This course should enable you to: (1) Define and explain key concepts social scientists use to study nationhood, migration, diaspora and racial/ethnic identity; (2) Explain and apply comparative, transnational and historical frameworks for understanding contemporary migration to the United States; (3) Explain how gender, race, ethnicity, religion and class shape both macro-level policies and individual experiences of migration; (4) Demonstrate how anthropological field research informs the study of nationhood, migration, diaspora and racial/ethnic identity. Though articles will be placed on electronic reserve, students will be expected to purchase three relatively inexpensive books, including International Migration: A Very Short Introduction by Khalid Koser (Oxford University Press, 2nd ed. 2016). This course will incorporate a variety of evaluation methods (including but not limited to papers), early evaluation, class discussion, and opportunities to practice academic skills of reading, writing and speaking.
Recommendation: It is helpful to have already taken an introductory course in cultural anthropology or international studies, but this is neither required nor expected. This is an introductory course, and no prior knowledge about anthropology or migration studies is assumed.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesAs a historically populist medium, printmaking has a long tradition of social critique, Printmaking and The Politics of Protest and Representation is an extremely student-centered and interactive course. The course combines scholarship, research, experiential and active learning components. Most classes are devoted partially to print demonstrations, small workshop group discussions that follow-up on short readings and writing assignments outside of class, or provide ideation meetings and in-progress feedback for print projects. Students actively participate in their own learning through prompts given for short writings and then the opportunity to first discuss in small groups prior to discussing with the entire class. Students will create zines, stencils and linoleum cut prints. A sense of community is at the heart of every printmaking class. Students must work in the studios during and outside of class, which not only fosters community within the course but throughout the entire Print Area.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesGlobal Science Fiction 3 s.h.
Music and Social Change 3 s.h.
One or more sections may be assigned to a TILE classroom.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesExploration of human experiences of dis/ability and exclusion/inclusion as represented in recent international film and popular writing from Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East; how these experiences contribute to and reflect awareness of the challenges of disabilities as well as public policy; strategies that filmmakers and authors deploy to contain, complicate, and challenge cultural preconceptions of the disabled body; how disability intersects with other major identity categories (i.e., sexuality, nationality, race); tools for researching history, policy, and activism. Taught in English.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesExplore meanings of peacebuilding for themselves and community through reading, reflecting, writing, inner peacebuilding, and communal peacebuilding projects; use of choral singing inside prisons to build peace, create positive social connections, transform attitudes toward healing approaches to justice, inspire a sense of deep care within oneself and among others.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesStudents with disabilities, gifted and talented; strategies for effective treatment, collaboration between regular and special education teachers; remediation of academic, behavioral, social problems.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesAnne Frank and Her Story 3, 4 s.h.
While in school, many of us read Anne Frank’s diary, see her story staged or watch one of its many movie renditions. Anne and her family’s secret hiding space during the Occupation in the center of Amsterdam—now the well-known Anne Frank House—draws over a million tourists each year. Widely read and translated, Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl has come to serve as an educational and formative experience for young readers, particularly when explaining the history of the Holocaust and the Second World War. In her biography of Anne Frank, Melissa Müller suggests that Anne’s name is synonymous with "humanity, tolerance, human rights, and democracy; her image is the epitome of optimism and the will to live." She has come to serve as the icon for victims of the Holocaust, but why and how is this the case? After all, there exist a number of other diaries composed by young individuals in hiding, and yet their stories are barely known. Our course centers on the act of storytelling and how individuals represent their personal histories and narratives and celebrate a shared humanity. Today new forms of media allow for innovative ways to express, record, share and consume a story. As we study the various journals, we will discover and exercise our own forms of storytelling and the ways we relate to one another.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesPolitics/Memory: Holocaust-Genocide-9/11 3, 4 s.h.
How contested legacies of genocide, global violent conflict, and 9/11 continue to pose an urgent and generationally mediated challenge for critical politics of memory; various approaches to effective or failed coming-to-terms with injurious and difficult past (e.g., Holocaust, Armenian genocide); analysis of museums, sites of memory, and artwork. Taught in English.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesWhat is gender? What is sexuality? Why does studying them matter? This course helps you answer these questions by focusing on the specific ways our daily lives are shaped by gender and sexuality. We will discuss gender and sexuality at the intersections of race and class as well. These socially and historically constructed categories of analysis exist together and affect each other. Our lectures and discussion sections will ask you to think critically about gender and sexuality and about the consequences that our assumptions about them have on our daily lives. We will discuss personal issues—such as body image and sexuality—as well as public and political issues – such as the wage gap, reproductive justice, sexual assault and harassment. Additionally, we will evaluate and rigorously analyze writing, research, and popular representations of gender and sexuality. You need no prior familiarity with conversations about gender or sexuality or feminism—just an interest in exploring some of the most powerful issues that shape and affect our daily lives.
Course assignments will include a midterm and take-home essay final exam, a short paper that allows students to reflect on how course themes and identities are experienced in daily lives, as well as in-class activities in discussion sections.
Understanding Cultural Perspectives
Introduction to principles and theories of social justice; students examine the history of influential social movements in the United States and the world in the last century; how intersectionality can create tensions between and among members of social movements; how race, class, gender, age, geography, and our bodies play a role in the application of theories of social justice.
Introduction to Social Justice will focus on the contested notions of justice, human rights, and equality. We will look specifically at particular issues related to race, class, health, policing, immigration, prison, poverty, and the environment, using a social justice lens to explore and critique structural and systemic institutions that disadvantage marginalized and or silenced populations. Our focus will be primarily domestic, but we will look at some issues such as health and poverty transnationally. We will read, watch, and explore the works of theorists, writers, activists, and artists who have spent time working against inequality, disparity, and discrimination.
Understanding Cultural Perspectives
Diversity in History 3 s.h.
World Events Today! 3 s.h.
Current events that introduce students to political and cultural developments throughout the world.
This introductory level course will use current events to introduce students to political and cultural developments throughout the world. We will read international newspapers and magazines, watch television programs, and listen to podcasts, and will then employ an interdisciplinary approach to help us understand the historical background of current events and their contemporary meaning(s) in global context. In addition to political events, we will highlight sociocultural and artistic themes that connect different parts of the world, for example the politics of popular music, film, or foodways.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesBetween 1870 and 1920 more than four million Italians immigrated to the United States and became the largest non-native group in the country. In a multicultural society, the turn-of-the-century immigrants and their descendants pursued assimilation while maintaining customs and traditions that contributed to construct a new identity. This course will explore the Italian American presence in the United States by investigating its historical background, its multifaceted reality, its heritage, and its contribution to national culture. Through an interdisciplinary approach, students will examine Italian American ethnicity as portrayed in American literature, film, and television. In particular, they will analyze how Italian American writers and filmmakers have represented their community and have contributed to shape their own cultural identity. Moving from commonplace images to a more complex picture, this course will focus on the Italian American example to discuss the issues of immigration, ethnic exclusion/inclusion, assimilation, acculturation, and cultural complexity. Requirements include class attendance and participation, writing exercises, a creative project, a midterm and a final exam.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesFreedom of Expression 3 s.h.
This course blends philosophy, history, political science, and legal studies into a semester-long meditation on the meaning of the freedom of expression, especially in the United States, but also globally. It pays special attention to the forms of reasoning about free expression developed by the U.S. Supreme Court during the 20th and 21st centuries. However, the primary theme of the course is the transition from a traditional, conservative society in the 19th century to a modern liberal one in the twentieth, and the consequences of this transition for how Americans understand the freedom of expression. Part and parcel of this transition has been a greater interest in the protection of individual rights, but also more consideration for social and cultural difference, especially racial and ethnic difference, but economic, religious, and other forms of difference as well. Thus, while the course covers basic areas of free expression law, including prior restraint, libel, obscenity and time-place-manner restrictions, commercial speech and hate speech, it does so in an expansive way.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesPretend that you are making a phone call to ask about ordering a textbook and the person who answers is a stranger to you, yet you immediately start to form opinions about any other speaker based upon the way they speak— where they are from, whether they are a native speaker of English, and even how well-educated they are. Whether you are aware or not, these opinions and impressions you have will influence your interaction with that person and are based in language attitudes that all people have regarding how others sound. In this course we will explore how these attitudes arise and how to question our own attitudes.
Understanding Cultural Perspectives
How is viral media changing politics and news? With digital media, the public’s demand for around the clock real-time news has skyrocketed. Over the past twenty years newsroom staff has declined by nearly 40% according to Pew, but there has been a dramatic increase in how much is written about leading candidates and political celebrities. In 2016, Donald Trump received about $2 billion of free media coverage, almost three times as much as received by Hillary Clinton. President Trump’s Twitter campaigning generates coverage from traditional journalists and digital-only media outlets and then is consumed by readers online, who want streaming news around-the clock, and television viewers. There is blurring of digital and traditional media and a feedback loop between the two.
This course is about the media and politics. Scholars and the public agree that a free and healthy press is an essential condition of democratic politics, yet both now express doubt as to whether the press is satisfying this requirement. This course surveys the media, including norms and trends of media coverage, with an eye toward asking whether the media is able to fulfill this function.
This course also extends this discussion of media and politics to understand how political information flows online, investigating how members of the mass public talk about politics online as well as efforts by politicians and parties to organize and campaign online. We will investigate whether social media bridges the gaps in traditional media coverage, whether online platforms promote extremism, whether being a celebrity on the internet translates into political relevance, and more.
Understanding Cultural Perspectives
In this course, we examine the body of literature and data dealing with economics and Islam from the perspective of a variety of disciplines, including law, economics, sociology, anthropology, history, and political science. Students of these disciplines will be able to understand how religion and culture shape economic decisions. The course draws on settled knowledge in a variety of disciplines to allow students to see the rich connections among academic disciplines and economic and social institutions.
Importantly, this course is about the origins, functions and impact of Islamic and Semitic religions' ideas and practices in the realms of economic development, financial services and products, business ethics and practices, and business models. Students will explore the ways such ideas and practices affect legacy issues like property rights, poverty, and access to healthcare, education, and social security. Lastly, students will examine the impact of religious ideas and practices on social justice matters that touch on individual and group identity along class, gender, ethnicity, and race, as well as, the role of religion in deciding public policy and directing international relations.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesPolitics, Sex, and the Bible 3 s.h.
We hear and use the word "Gypsy" very often, but what do we actually know about the Gypsies or, more correctly, the Roma? As much as the history of this fascinating nation cannot be found written in a definitive way, our course will start with the earliest European references to these people and will continue throughout history until the present moment. We will learn the most basic aspects of Roma culture that are shared by most Roma around the world, and compare samples of Romani folklore from different parts of Europe. Attention will be given to the current situation with the Romani communities in Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, and the Czech Republic, where the Roma face growing discrimination. The second part of class will embrace the topics that deal with the impact of the Roma culture on European literature, music, and culture with a particular emphasis on Russian literature.
All reading will be in English, no previous knowledge of Russian or Romani is required. This course counts towards the Russian and Eastern European Studies Minor. This course will be taught by Dr. Timofeyev.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesContemporary Social Problems 3, 4 s.h.
This introductory course will use a sociological perspective to examine a few contemporary social problems in the United States. We will begin by investigating how sociologists define social problems. We will then learn about the methods sociologists use to study social problems with a particular focus on how to evaluate statistics about social problems presented by the media, politicians, and activists. In the remainder of the semester we will cover specific social problems, including poverty, racism, gender inequality, family problems, education, and crime, in detail. The lectures, discussions, assignments, and group exercises are designed so that you will understand what a sociological perspective is and be able to apply that perspective to the social problems we cover; gain a greater understanding of each of the social problems we cover and be able to explain causes and consequences of those problems; understand the methods social scientists use to further knowledge about social problems; improve skills that are fundamental to college education including: “numerical literacy” and the ability to think critically about statistics, reading tables, evaluating arguments, pulling together evidence to support a position, and writing with clarity.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesRace and Ethnicity 3 s.h.
This course provides an introductory exploration of the sociology of race and ethnicity. The course is designed to give an overview of number of topics that are central to understanding how sociologists approach the study of race and ethnicity in the U.S. The course is divide into five sections. We will begin by exploring theoretical and historical approaches to race and ethnicity which include discussions of racial classification and racial and ethnic boundaries. The second section of the course will explore racism and antiracism. The third section of the course will explore empirical research on aspects of racial and ethnic inequality in the U.S. including economic inequality, incarceration, employment outcomes and educational attainment. The fourth section of the class will explore recent research on immigration and how immigration changes the landscape of American race relations. The course concludes with a section that considers whether or not the U.S. has entered into a post-racial era.
Understanding Cultural Perspectives
This course covers personal health from an individual responsibility and cultural change perspective. Examples of topics include family health pedigree, stress, sleep, nutrition, physical activity, weight management, substance abuse, violence, chronic disease, and infectious disease.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesContexts and functions of translation in the age of globalization; how translations are produced, received, and utilized in various contexts; effects of globalization on ethics, aesthetics, and politics of translation; how we understand cultures when they are received or transmitted through translation; effects of these exchanges on the English language.
Understanding Cultural PerspectivesHow can language serve to empower an individual or community? What are the connections between literacy and social justice? In this course, you will put language into action to build communities, inspire young thinkers, and ultimately act as mentors and advocates for K-12 youth in Iowa City. With a team of your peers, you will create lesson plans and put them into action each week as the leader of a writing workshop for K-12 youth based in a local school or community center. You will write brief "field notes" from your teaching sessions that address your growth as a student mentor, and you will create a final chapbook of student work. Our class time will serve as a weekly reflection on your teaching experience through group discussions, writing exercises, and engagement with pedagogical and literary texts. We will consider what it means to be a community builder and how a student can most effectively and thoughtfully connect with youth of diverse backgrounds. Special emphasis will be placed on real-world engagement, equity and inclusion, collaborative learning and leading, sharpening social awareness, and honing practical writing/communication skills. You will have to undergo a routine background check before working with children. This course counts as an elective for the Nonprofit Management Certificate and for the Writing Certificate. Students interested in counting this course toward their experiential learning requirement for University Honors should enroll in the Honors-designated section.
Students must be available for a weekly one-hour volunteer commitment outside the course meeting times.
Understanding Cultural Perspectives