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One course found.
Course # Title Hours Notes Enrollments
Independent Study
Course Title is
Honors Thesis in Business
Prerequisites: BUS:1999
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View instructors (35 available)
1 s.h.
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Registration Information:
Students complete BUS:1999 Introduction to Research in Business prior to enrolling in the honors thesis course. Students should register for two credit hours of honors thesis across two semesters (for a total of four credit hours). Other combinations must be approved by the student’s faculty advisor. Students may not earn more than four credit hours of honors thesis. Students who have enrolled without instructor permission may be administratively dropped. This course counts towards the Tippie RISE graduation requirement and will be recorded on the student's degree audit. For more information, visit the Undergraduate Program Office in C140 PBB, call 319-335-1037, or email
0 of Unlimited enrolled
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