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One course found.
Course # Title Hours Notes Enrollments
CPH:7800:0001 Course Title is
MPH Practicum
Prerequisites: CBH:4105 and HMP:4000 and EPID:4400 and BIOS:4120 and OEH:4240 and CPH:5100
Arranged Time Arranged Location
Instructors: Jeanie Kimbel (Primary Instructor)
1, 2, 3 s.h.
Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
Students are required to attend 3 seminars for the purpose of receiving practicum support and detailed instruction regarding the final written report.  All seminars will occur via Zoom.  Any absences will require an individual meeting with the course instructor. ARR time and ARR location – hours and location determined by student and supervisor. Contact Jeanie Kimbel ( for registration information.
0 of Unlimited enrolled
One course found.