Your search criteria narrowed your results to Creative Writing-Writers' Workshop. Below is some additional contact information which may be useful.

Creative Writing-Writers' Workshop

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Director Lan S. Chang
Location 102 DH (Dey House )
Phone 319-335-0416
Registration Email
General Catalog
One course found.
Course # Title Hours Notes Enrollments
CW:4870:0001 Course Title is
Undergraduate Writers' Workshop: Fiction
This course has specific requirements view
Start and end times: 1:30P - 3:20P W 220 NH
Instructors: Kevin Smith (Primary Instructor)
1, 2, 3, 4 s.h.
Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
Students complete additional course work outside of class time by individual writing projects and individual meetings with their instructor.
12 of 13 enrolled
One course found.