Your search criteria narrowed your results to Entrepreneurship. Below is some additional contact information which may be useful.


Students interested in pursuing the Certificate of Entrepreneurial Management must complete ENTR:2000 Entrepreneurship and Innovation (or its equivalent) prior to declaring the certificate. Business and prebusiness students should contact the Tippie College of Business Undergraduate Program Office, C140 PBB. Liberal arts and sciences students should contact the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Programs and Services Office, 120 SH, to officially declare the certificate. For complete information on the Entrepreneurship certificate program, visit the web site at

One course found.
Course # Title Hours Notes Enrollments
ENTR:4300:0EXW Course Title is
Launching an Entrepreneurial Venture
Start and end times: 5:00P - 6:30P W Online
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Kurt Heiar (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 43 enrolled
One course found.