Your search criteria narrowed your results to Entrepreneurship. Below is some additional contact information which may be useful.


Students interested in pursuing the Certificate of Entrepreneurial Management must complete ENTR:2000 Entrepreneurship and Innovation (or its equivalent) prior to declaring the certificate. Business and prebusiness students should contact the Tippie College of Business Undergraduate Program Office, C140 PBB. Liberal arts and sciences students should contact the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Programs and Services Office, 120 SH, to officially declare the certificate. For complete information on the Entrepreneurship certificate program, visit the web site at

20 courses found, displaying all courses.
Course # Title Hours Notes Enrollments
ENTR:1350:0EXW Course Title is
Foundations in Entrepreneurship
Start and end times: 9:30A - 10:45A W Online
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Wade Steenhoek (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 55 enrolled
ENTR:1350:0EXX Course Title is
Foundations in Entrepreneurship
Start and end times: 5:00P - 6:15P M Online
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: none
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 55 enrolled
ENTR:2000:0EXW Course Title is
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Start and end times: 12:30P - 1:45P W Online
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Wade Steenhoek (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 52 enrolled
ENTR:3050:0EXW Course Title is
Prof Prep for Enterprise Ldrshp & Entre
Subsession: Off-cycle
Aug 26, 2025 - Oct 28, 2025
Start and end times: 5:00P - 6:15P T Online
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Rob Kincaid (Primary Instructor)
1 s.h.
Restricted to undergraduate students pursuing an Enterprise Leadership major, an Entrepreneurship major, or Management major with an Entrepreneurial Management track..
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 60 enrolled
ENTR:3050:0EXX Course Title is
Prof Prep for Enterprise Ldrshp & Entre
Subsession: Off-cycle
Aug 27, 2025 - Oct 29, 2025
Start and end times: 2:00P - 3:15P W Online
Instructors: none
1 s.h.
Restricted to undergraduate students pursuing an Enterprise Leadership major, an Entrepreneurship major, or Management major with an Entrepreneurial Management track..
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 50 enrolled
ENTR:3100:0EXW Course Title is
Entrepreneurial Finance
Prerequisites: ENTR:2000 or ENTR:3350
Start and end times: 5:00P - 6:15P T Online
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: David Hensley (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 55 enrolled
ENTR:3200:0EXW Course Title is
Entrepreneurial Marketing
Prerequisites: ENTR:2000 or ENTR:3350
Start and end times: 6:30P - 7:45P T Online
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: none
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 55 enrolled
ENTR:3350:0EXW Course Title is
Entrepreneurial Strategy
Start and end times: 5:00P - 6:15P T Online
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: none
3 s.h.
Restricted to TCOB undergraduate majors in Accounting, Business Analytics & Information Systems, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Management, Marketing, or Risk Management and Insurance..
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 35 enrolled
ENTR:3595:0EXT Course Title is
Nonprofit Organizational Effectiveness I
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Nicole Wilson (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
Graduate students should register for the MGMT:9150 section.
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 28 enrolled
ENTR:3595:0EXW Course Title is
Nonprofit Organizational Effectiveness I
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Nicole Wilson (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
Graduate students should register for the MGMT:9150 section.
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 30 enrolled
ENTR:3700:0EXW Course Title is
Sustainable Innovation and Management
Prerequisites: ENTR:2000 or ENTR:3350 or MKTG:3000 more
Start and end times: 6:30P - 8:00P W Online
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: none
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 50 enrolled
Course Title is
Entrepreneurship: Business Consulting
Prerequisites: (ENTR:2000 or ENTR:3350 or MGMT:2100) and (ENTR:3200 or MKTG:3000) more
Start and end times: 6:30P - 8:30P M Online
Instructors: Kimm Harris (Primary Instructor)
Choose 1 Discussion when registering
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
This course consists of an online lecture section plus discussion sections (face-to-face or online). Students must attend all to successfully complete this course. Please note: 6:30-7:30pm is designed for lecture and discussion by instructor; 7:30-8:30pm is for student teams to collaborate with their mentor. To submit name for waitlist when course is full, choose the corresponding section to this lecture, ENTR:4200:0EX1. Thank you.
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 55 enrolled
Course Title is
Entrepreneurship: Business Consulting
Prerequisites: (ENTR:2000 or ENTR:3350 or MGMT:2100) and (ENTR:3200 or MKTG:3000) more
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Kimm Harris (Primary Instructor)
Choose 1 Lecture when registering
0 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
This course consists of an online discussion section plus lecture sections (face-to-face or online). Students must attend all to successfully complete this course. Students should enroll in section 0EX1 and may be placed in other sections (0EX2, 0EX3) at a later date in the semester. Thank you.
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 55 enrolled
Course Title is
Entrepreneurship: Business Consulting
Prerequisites: (ENTR:2000 or ENTR:3350 or MGMT:2100) and (ENTR:3200 or MKTG:3000) more
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: none
Choose 1 Lecture when registering
0 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
This course consists of an online discussion section plus lecture sections (face-to-face or online). Students must attend all to successfully complete this course. Students should enroll in section 0EX1 and may be placed in other sections (0EX2, 0EX3) at a later date in the semester. Thank you.
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 1 enrolled
Course Title is
Entrepreneurship: Business Consulting
Prerequisites: (ENTR:2000 or ENTR:3350 or MGMT:2100) and (ENTR:3200 or MKTG:3000) more
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: none
Choose 1 Lecture when registering
0 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
This course consists of an online discussion section plus lecture sections (face-to-face or online). Students must attend all to successfully complete this course. Students should enroll in section 0EX1 and may be placed in other sections (0EX2, 0EX3) at a later date in the semester. Thank you.
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 1 enrolled
ENTR:4300:0EXW Course Title is
Launching an Entrepreneurial Venture
Start and end times: 5:00P - 6:30P W Online
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Kurt Heiar (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 43 enrolled
ENTR:4400:0EXW Course Title is
Managing the Growth Business
Prerequisites: ENTR:2000 or ENTR:3350 more
Start and end times: 6:30P - 8:30P T Online
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Bob Walker (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
This section will be offered by virtual classroom via the World Wide Web; in order to participate in this course students are required to be logged onto their computers on Tuesday nights from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 50 enrolled
ENTR:4460:0EXW Course Title is
Entrepreneurship and Global Trade
Prerequisites: ENTR:2000 or ENTR:3350 or SEES:2910
Start and end times: 6:30P - 8:00P T Online 08/26/2025 - 12/09/2025
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: none
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 40 enrolled
ENTR:9600:0WKA Course Title is
Seminar in Entrepreneurship
BizInnovator Startup and IBEA Business Education
Subsession: Off-cycle
Nov 19, 2025 - Dec 10, 2025
Start and end times: 4:00P - 6:00P W Online
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Dawn Bowlus (Primary Instructor)
1, 2, 3 s.h.
Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
Students enrolled in this section are required and expected to participate in the course during the fall break
DOE Wkshp (WK*)
0 of 60 enrolled
ENTR:9600:0WKE Course Title is
Seminar in Entrepreneurship
BizInnovator Teacher Certification Program: Entrepreneurship Education for the Secondary Classroom
Subsession: Off-cycle
Oct 30, 2025 - Nov 18, 2025
Start and end times: 4:00P - 6:00P TTh Grantwood Area Education Agency Multipurpose Room Cedar Rapids
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Dawn Bowlus (Primary Instructor)
1, 2 s.h.
Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
ARR time is for student work on final project submission. Please contact Dawn Bowlus at to override restriction.
DOE Wkshp (WK*)
0 of 60 enrolled
20 courses found, displaying all courses.