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Health and Human Physiology

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Chair Gary L. Pierce
Location E102 FH (Field House)
Phone 319-384-4664
Registration Email
General Catalog
4 courses found, displaying all courses.
Course # Title Hours Notes Enrollments
HHP:4700:0001 Course Title is
Hlth/Human Physiology Teaching Intrnship
Human Physiology With Lab
This course has specific requirements view
Start and end times: 11:30A - 12:20P M 106 FH
Arranged Time Arranged Location
Instructors: Margaret Kaus (Primary Instructor), Charlie Jedlicka (Course Supervisor)
0, 2, 3 s.h.
Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
HHP:4700 (HHP Teaching Internship) is offered in conjunction with the ASR Undergraduate Learning Assistants program. In this program, the scheduled MyUI class meeting time is the time LAs meet with the instructors to review class activities for the week. The "ARR" designation comes from attending one lab session per week (an assigned 150 min block of time) and completion of coursework in LS:1014 (first time LAs). HHP:4700 is offered for 3 sh this fall.
0 of 4 enrolled
HHP:4700:0002 Course Title is
Hlth/Human Physiology Teaching Intrnship
Anatomy for Human Physiology With Lab
This course has specific requirements view
Start and end times: 5:30P - 6:20P W 440 FH
Arranged Time Arranged Location
Instructors: Margaret Kaus (Primary Instructor), Ray Fagenbaum (Course Supervisor)
0, 2, 3 s.h.
Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
HHP:4700 (HHP Teaching Internship) is offered in conjunction with the ASR Undergraduate Learning Assistants program. In this program, the scheduled MyUI class meeting time is the time LAs meet with the instructors to review class activities for the week. The "ARR" designation comes from attending one lab session per week (an assigned 150 min block of time) and completion of coursework in LS:1014 (first time LAs). HHP:4700 is offered for 3 sh this fall.
0 of 6 enrolled
HHP:4700:0003 Course Title is
Hlth/Human Physiology Teaching Intrnship
Fundamentals of Human Physiology Lab
Start and end times: 8:30A - 9:20A W 106 FH
Arranged Time Arranged Location
Instructors: Margaret Kaus (Primary Instructor), Aaron Schneider (Course Supervisor)
0, 2, 3 s.h.
Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
HHP:4700 (HHP Teaching Internship) is offered in conjunction with the ASR Undergraduate Learning Assistants program. In this program, the scheduled MyUI class meeting time is the time LAs meet with the instructors to review class activities for the week. The "ARR" designation comes from attending one lab session per week (an assigned 150 min block of time) and completion of coursework in LS:1014 (first time LAs). HHP:4700 is offered for 3 sh this fall.
0 of 5 enrolled
HHP:4700:0004 Course Title is
Hlth/Human Physiology Teaching Intrnship
Human Physiology With Lab (Lecture)
Start and end times: 2:30P - 3:20P M 418 FH
Arranged Time Arranged Location
Instructors: Margaret Kaus (Primary Instructor), Charlie Jedlicka (Course Supervisor)
0, 2, 3 s.h.
Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
HHP:4700 (HHP Teaching Internship) is offered in conjunction with the ASR Undergraduate Learning Assistants program. In this program, the scheduled MyUI class meeting time is the time LAs meet with the instructors to review class activities for the week. The "ARR" designation comes from attending one lab session per week (an assigned 150 min block of time) and completion of coursework in LS:1014 (first time LAs). HHP:4700 is offered for 3 sh this fall.
0 of 5 enrolled
4 courses found, displaying all courses.