Your search criteria narrowed your results to History. Below is some additional contact information which may be useful.


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Chair Colin Gordon
Location 280 SH (Schaeffer Hall)
Phone 319-335-2299
Registration Email
General Catalog

If descriptions are not posted on MyUI, students are urged to contact the Department of History, 280 SH, for descriptions of topics dealt with in each offered section.

4 courses found, displaying all courses.
Course # Title Hours Notes Enrollments
HIST:1010:0001 Course Title is
History Matters
The First Crusade
Start and end times: 3:30P - 4:45P TTh 75 SH
Instructors: Shane Bobrycki (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
29 of 30 enrolled
HIST:1010:0002 Course Title is
History Matters
American Women in the Cold War
Start and end times: 11:30A - 12:20P MWF 3 SH
Instructors: Danielle Hoskins (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
30 of 30 enrolled
HIST:1010:0004 Course Title is
History Matters
"The Long 1960s" in the United States
Start and end times: 3:30P - 4:45P MW 51 SH
Instructors: Caleb Pennington (Primary Instructor), Ashley Howard (Course Supervisor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
30 of 30 enrolled
HIST:1010:0005 Course Title is
History Matters
The Roman World From Republic to Empire and Beyond
Start and end times: 12:30P - 1:45P TTh 51 SH
Instructors: Michael Hugunin (Primary Instructor), Ashley Howard (Course Supervisor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
30 of 30 enrolled
4 courses found, displaying all courses.