Your search criteria narrowed your results to Health and Physical Activity Skills. Below is some additional contact information which may be useful.

Health and Physical Activity Skills

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Coordinator Christina M. Nash
Location S501C FH (Field House)
Phone 319-335-9302
Registration Email
General Catalog


Health and Physical Activity Skills HPAS is in the process of finalizing course offerings. Course sections will be available before the first day of registration.

Important Information about HPAS Courses

Review the Academic Deadlines to learn deadline dates for first, second, and third sessions of Health and Physical Activity Skills HPAS classes. All changes in registration must indicate both the course number and the section number(s).

Students must attend the first week of class. Students who do not attend will fail and should drop the course. Students WILL NOT be dropped automatically.

Students must attend the last day of class in order to pass the course.

All classes are offered at the elementary level unless otherwise indicated and are designed for students with little skill or previous instruction in the activities. Students with considerable skill in an elementary activity will not be permitted to remain in that elementary activity class. Such students should immediately either (1) change to a different activity course using a Add Form, or (2) drop that course using a Drop Form. HPAS courses may not be repeated for academic credit.

Sections are divided into three separate sessions, meeting the first 7 weeks of the semester, the second 7 weeks of the semester, or the last 6 weeks of the semester (see MyUI course list for exact dates). Second and third session courses should be added and dropped using MyUI before the course begins.

Students must provide their own transportation to off-central campus sites, such as soccer and softball classes. Information on activity classes may be obtained in the HPAS office, S501 FH.

2 courses found, displaying all courses.
Course # Title Hours Notes Enrollments
HPAS:1150:0EXS Course Title is
Introduction to Health and Wellness
Subsession: Off-cycle
Nov 10, 2025 - Dec 12, 2025
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: none
1 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
This course will be un-pended and available for registration after mid-terms.
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 30 enrolled
HPAS:1150:0EXU Course Title is
Introduction to Health and Wellness
Subsession: Off-cycle
Nov 10, 2025 - Dec 12, 2025
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: none
1 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
This course will be un-pended and available for registration after mid-terms.
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
0 of 30 enrolled
2 courses found, displaying all courses.