Your search criteria narrowed your results to Leadership Studies. Below is some additional contact information which may be useful.

6 courses found, displaying all courses.
Course # Title Hours Notes Enrollments
LS:1020:0001 Course Title is
Introduction to Leadership
Start and end times: 3:30P - 4:45P TTh C29 PC
Instructors: Mark Bullock (Primary Instructor), Susie Regan (Course Supervisor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
0 of 30 enrolled
LS:1020:0002 Course Title is
Introduction to Leadership
Start and end times: 2:00P - 3:15P TTh C29 PC
Instructors: Susie Regan (Primary Instructor), Matt Augeri (Course Supervisor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
0 of 30 enrolled
LS:1020:0003 Course Title is
Introduction to Leadership
Start and end times: 3:30P - 4:45P MW C29 PC
Instructors: Drea Tinoco (Primary Instructor), Susie Regan (Course Supervisor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
0 of 30 enrolled
LS:1020:0004 Course Title is
Introduction to Leadership
Start and end times: 11:00A - 12:15P TTh C31 PC
Instructors: Ashley Brinkmeyer (Primary Instructor), Susie Regan (Course Supervisor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
0 of 30 enrolled
LS:1020:0005 Course Title is
Introduction to Leadership
Start and end times: 12:30P - 1:45P TTh C31 PC
Instructors: Matt Augeri (Course Supervisor), Susie Regan (Course Supervisor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
0 of 30 enrolled
LS:1020:0006 Course Title is
Introduction to Leadership
Start and end times: 5:00P - 6:15P TTh E146 AJB
Instructors: Anita Cory (Primary Instructor), Susie Regan (Course Supervisor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
0 of 30 enrolled
6 courses found, displaying all courses.