Your search criteria narrowed your results to Magid Center for Writing. Below is some additional contact information which may be useful.

Magid Center for Writing

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Director Daniel E. Khalastchi
Location 24 PH (Phillips Hall)
Phone 319-384-1328
Registration Email
General Catalog
13 courses found, displaying all courses.
Course # Title Hours Notes Enrollments
WRIT:1003:0EXW Course Title is
English Grammar
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Sue Almen-Whittaker (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
29 of 30 enrolled
WRIT:1500:0EXW Course Title is
Writing Commons: A Community of Writers
The Writer's Life: Generating, Sharing, and Publishing Our Work
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Amy Parker (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
19 of 20 enrolled
WRIT:1600:0EXU Course Title is
Fast Fixes: Improved Writing in 6 Weeks
Hard Habits to Break: Fixing Grammatical Mistakes
Prerequisites: (RHET:1040 and RHET:1060) or RHET:1030
Subsession: Off-cycle
Apr 7, 2025 - May 9, 2025
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Jorge Guerra (Primary Instructor)
1 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
If you believe you are eligible for a waiver of the Rhetoric prerequisite and the exception request form in MyUI does not work for you, please email your name, student ID number, and justification for requesting an exception to This course is repeatable, and multiple section registration is allowed. If repeated three times with three different subtitles, this course counts as ONE Core Course for the Writing Certificate. See for more details.  Individual sections of this course have varying topics. Please see section description for specific information about each section. 
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
17 of 20 enrolled
WRIT:1600:0EXV Course Title is
Fast Fixes: Improved Writing in 6 Weeks
The Heart of It: Getting to the Point and Staying There
Prerequisites: (RHET:1040 and RHET:1060) or RHET:1030
Subsession: Off-cycle
Apr 7, 2025 - May 9, 2025
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Danielle Wheeler (Primary Instructor)
1 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
If you believe you are eligible for a waiver of the Rhetoric prerequisite and the exception request form in MyUI does not work for you, please email your name, student ID number, and justification for requesting an exception to This course is repeatable, and multiple section registration is allowed. If repeated three times with three different subtitles, this course counts as ONE Core Course for the Writing Certificate. See for more details.  Individual sections of this course have varying topics. Please see section description for specific information about each section.  less
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
13 of 20 enrolled
WRIT:1600:0EXW Course Title is
Fast Fixes: Improved Writing in 6 Weeks
Mental Maps: Using Text Structures to Improve Your Writing
Prerequisites: (RHET:1040 and RHET:1060) or RHET:1030
Subsession: Off-cycle
Apr 7, 2025 - May 9, 2025
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Tracy Meginnis (Primary Instructor)
1 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
If you believe you are eligible for a waiver of the Rhetoric prerequisite and the exception request form in MyUI does not work for you, please email your name, student ID number, and justification for requesting an exception to This course is repeatable, and multiple section registration is allowed. If repeated three times with three different subtitles, this course counts as ONE Core Course for the Writing Certificate. See for more details.  Individual sections of this course have varying topics. Please see section description for specific information about each section. 
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
10 of 20 enrolled
WRIT:1650:0EXV Course Title is
Essentials of Writing: Nursing
Subsession: Off-cycle
Jan 21, 2025 - Mar 14, 2025
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Danielle Wheeler (Primary Instructor)
1 s.h.
Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
This course section is restricted to first and second year students in the PhD in Nursing program and to students in the DNP program. For any questions about registering for the course, PhD students should contact Stephanie White at and DNP students should contact
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
3 of 25 enrolled
WRIT:1650:0EXW Course Title is
Essentials of Writing: Nursing
Subsession: Off-cycle
Jan 21, 2025 - Mar 14, 2025
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Danielle Wheeler (Primary Instructor)
1 s.h.
Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
This course section is restricted to Nursing majors. Please contact Sarah McVeigh at with any questions about registering for the course.
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
10 of 25 enrolled
WRIT:3005:0EXU Course Title is
Professional & Creative Business Comm
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Erin Sherry (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
Seats in this section are reserved for students who joined the waitlist for WRIT:3005:0001, :0EXW, or :0EXV during early registration. Please add yourself to the waitlist to be offered an available seat after all previously waitlisted students have had an opportunity to register.
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
27 of 26 enrolled
WRIT:3005:0EXV Course Title is
Professional & Creative Business Comm
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Erin Sherry (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
Some seats in the section are reserved for online students through the end of Early Registration (12/01/23). It will then be opened to all students. On-campus students: Please add yourself to the waitlist to be offered an available seat after early registration. 
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
26 of 25 enrolled
WRIT:3005:0EXW Course Title is
Professional & Creative Business Comm
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Erin Sherry (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
26 of 25 enrolled
WRIT:3742:0EXW Course Title is
Word Power: Building English Vocabulary
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Rachel Rucker (Primary Instructor), Adrienne Rose (Course Supervisor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
43 of 45 enrolled
WRIT:4745:0EXW Course Title is
The Sentence: Strategies for Writing
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Robert Davis (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
The online (0EXW) section of this course is intended for students who are unable to attend on-campus courses. Please contact us at to override the registration restriction. Include your student ID number and the reason why you are unable to enroll in an on-campus section of the course.
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
20 of 20 enrolled
WRIT:4760:0EXW Course Title is
The Art of Revision: Writing for Clarity
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Tia Fishler (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
The online (0EXW) section of this course is intended for students who are unable to attend on-campus courses. Please contact us at to override the registration restriction. Include your student ID number and the reason why you are unable to enroll in an on-campus section of the course.
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
19 of 20 enrolled
13 courses found, displaying all courses.