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Political Science

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Chair Brian H. Lai
Location 341 SH (Schaeffer Hall)
Phone 319-335-2358
Registration Email
General Catalog
12 courses found, displaying all courses.
Course # Title Hours Notes Enrollments
POLI:1200:0EXW Course Title is
Introduction to Political Behavior
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Julianna Pacheco (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
45 of 47 enrolled
POLI:1400:0EXW Course Title is
Introduction to Comparative Politics
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Emmanuel Nakihinga (Primary Instructor), Brian Lai (Course Supervisor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
41 of 40 enrolled
POLI:1500:0EXW Course Title is
Introduction to International Relations
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Haofeng Ma (Primary Instructor), Brian Lai (Course Supervisor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
39 of 40 enrolled
POLI:1501:0EXW Course Title is
Introduction to American Foreign Policy
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Thomas Martinez (Primary Instructor), Brian Lai (Course Supervisor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
This is a completely web-based course. It can be taken at any geographic location as long as one has regular access to the Internet. Exams will be taken online, papers will be submitted online, and discussion will occur weekly on the online discussion boards.
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
40 of 40 enrolled
POLI:1601:0EXV Course Title is
Introduction to Social Media & Politics
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Brody DeBettignies (Primary Instructor), Caroline Tolbert (Course Supervisor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
80 of 80 enrolled
POLI:1950:0EXW Course Title is
Introduction to the Politics of Religion
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Nicholas Martini (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
76 of 80 enrolled
POLI:3035:0EXW Course Title is
Careers in Political Sci/Int'l Relations
This course has specific requirements view
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Emmanuel Nakihinga (Primary Instructor), Brian Lai (Course Supervisor)
3 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
43 of 43 enrolled
POLI:3102:0EXW Course Title is
The U.S. Congress
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Tracy Osborn (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
39 of 40 enrolled
POLI:3110:0EXW Course Title is
Local Politics
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Samuel Harper (Primary Instructor), Brian Lai (Course Supervisor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
40 of 40 enrolled
POLI:3116:0EXW Course Title is
The Presidency
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Alex Smith (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
40 of 43 enrolled
POLI:3124:0EXW Course Title is
Guided Political Science Internship
This course has specific requirements view
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Nicholas Martini (Primary Instructor), Brian Lai (Team Teacher)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 s.h.
Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
4 of 10 enrolled
POLI:3603:0EXW Course Title is
War and Film
Arranged Time Asynchronous Online
Instructors: Kelly Kadera (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
43 of 45 enrolled
12 courses found, displaying all courses.