Your search criteria narrowed your results to School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Below is some additional contact information which may be useful.

School of Journalism and Mass Communication

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Director Melissa Tully
Location E305 AJB (Adler Journalism Building)
Phone 319-335-3486
Registration Email
General Catalog


School of Journalism and Mass Communication majors may only register for up to two journalism/mass communication courses during Scheduled Early Registration. Students may add additional courses after Scheduled Early Registration.

103 courses found, displaying 1 to 100.
Course # Title Hours Notes Enrollments
EVNT:3250:0001 Course Title is
Foundations of Event Management
Start and end times: 12:30P - 1:45P TTh E146 AJB
Instructors: Heather Spangler (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
37 of 42 enrolled
EVNT:3250:0002 Course Title is
Foundations of Event Management
Start and end times: 3:30P - 4:45P MW E246 AJB
Instructors: Tracy Hufford (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
16 of 42 enrolled
EVNT:3250:0EXW Course Title is
Foundations of Event Management
Arranged Time World Wide Web
Instructors: John Farland (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
41 of 44 enrolled
JMC:1000:0001 Course Title is
First-Year Seminar
The Music Marketplace: From Buying to Stealing to Streaming
This course has specific requirements view
Subsession: Off-cycle
Aug 28, 2015 - Oct 30, 2015
Start and end times: 1:30P - 2:45P F E250 AJB
Instructors: Don McLeese (Primary Instructor)
1 s.h.
Restricted to new first-year undergraduates.
Delivery Mode:
14 of 16 enrolled
Course Title is
Media Uses and Effects
Start and end times: 9:30A - 10:20A TTh 100 PH
Instructors: Kajsa Dalrymple (Primary Instructor)
This section is automatically added.
0 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
278 of 300 enrolled
Course Title is
Media Uses and Effects
Start and end times: 8:30A - 9:20A F E132 AJB
Instructors: Mallory Bolenbaugh (Primary Instructor), Kajsa Dalrymple (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1100:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
29 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media Uses and Effects
Start and end times: 10:30A - 11:20A F E138 AJB
Instructors: Byung Wook Kim (Primary Instructor), Kajsa Dalrymple (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1100:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
29 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media Uses and Effects
Start and end times: 11:30A - 12:20P F E126 AJB
Instructors: Byung Wook Kim (Primary Instructor), Kajsa Dalrymple (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1100:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
24 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media Uses and Effects
Start and end times: 12:30P - 1:20P F E132 AJB
Instructors: Rachel Young (Primary Instructor), Kajsa Dalrymple (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1100:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
29 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media Uses and Effects
Start and end times: 1:30P - 2:20P F E132 AJB
Instructors: Paige Chapman (Primary Instructor), Kajsa Dalrymple (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1100:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
24 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media Uses and Effects
Start and end times: 10:30A - 11:20A F E132 AJB
Instructors: Volha Kananovich (Primary Instructor), Kajsa Dalrymple (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1100:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
29 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media Uses and Effects
Start and end times: 3:30P - 4:20P Th E120 AJB
Instructors: Paige Chapman (Primary Instructor), Kajsa Dalrymple (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1100:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
30 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media Uses and Effects
Start and end times: 12:30P - 1:20P F E126 AJB
Instructors: Subin Paul (Primary Instructor), Kajsa Dalrymple (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1100:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
27 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media Uses and Effects
Start and end times: 1:30P - 2:20P F E126 AJB
Instructors: Rachel Young (Primary Instructor), Kajsa Dalrymple (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1100:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
29 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media Uses and Effects
Start and end times: 9:30A - 10:20A F E120 AJB
Instructors: Volha Kananovich (Primary Instructor), Kajsa Dalrymple (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1100:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
28 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media History and Culture
Start and end times: 12:30P - 1:20P TTh LR1 VAN
Instructors: David Dowling (Primary Instructor)
This section is automatically added.
0 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
242 of 270 enrolled
Course Title is
Media History and Culture
Start and end times: 8:30A - 9:20A F E126 AJB
Instructors: Kristina Bigsby (Primary Instructor), David Dowling (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1200:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
24 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media History and Culture
Start and end times: 9:30A - 10:20A F E205 AJB
Instructors: Jace Brady (Primary Instructor), David Dowling (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1200:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
29 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media History and Culture
Start and end times: 10:30A - 11:20A F E126 AJB
Instructors: Kristina Bigsby (Primary Instructor), David Dowling (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1200:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
29 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media History and Culture
Start and end times: 11:30A - 12:20P F E120 AJB
Instructors: Jace Brady (Primary Instructor), David Dowling (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1200:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
31 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media History and Culture
Start and end times: 12:30P - 1:20P F E120 AJB
Instructors: Hanna Martin (Primary Instructor), David Dowling (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1200:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
29 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media History and Culture
Start and end times: 2:30P - 3:20P F E120 AJB
Instructors: David Dowling (Primary Instructor)
JMC:1200:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Restricted to Honors Program members.
Delivery Mode:
24 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media History and Culture
Start and end times: 10:30A - 11:20A F E120 AJB
Instructors: Hanna Martin (Primary Instructor), David Dowling (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1200:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
26 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media History and Culture
Start and end times: 3:30P - 4:20P F E205 AJB
Instructors: Eric Moy (Primary Instructor), David Dowling (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1200:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
24 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Media History and Culture
Start and end times: 1:30P - 2:20P F E120 AJB
Instructors: Eric Moy (Primary Instructor), David Dowling (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1200:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
26 of 30 enrolled
Course Title is
Social Media Today
Start and end times: 8:30A - 9:20A TTh LR1 VAN
Instructors: Brian Ekdale (Primary Instructor)
This section is automatically added.
0 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
152 of 200 enrolled
Course Title is
Social Media Today
Start and end times: 8:30A - 9:20A F E138 AJB
Instructors: Yafei Zhang (Primary Instructor), Brian Ekdale (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1500:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
22 of 25 enrolled
Course Title is
Social Media Today
Start and end times: 10:30A - 11:20A F E220 AJB
Instructors: Yafei Zhang (Primary Instructor), Brian Ekdale (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1500:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
22 of 25 enrolled
Course Title is
Social Media Today
Start and end times: 11:30A - 12:20P F E132 AJB
Instructors: David Tuwei (Primary Instructor), Brian Ekdale (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1500:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
23 of 25 enrolled
Course Title is
Social Media Today
Start and end times: 12:30P - 1:20P F E138 AJB
Instructors: David Tuwei (Primary Instructor), Brian Ekdale (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1500:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
14 of 25 enrolled
Course Title is
Social Media Today
Start and end times: 1:30P - 2:20P F E138 AJB
Instructors: David Tuwei (Primary Instructor), Brian Ekdale (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1500:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
20 of 25 enrolled
Course Title is
Social Media Today
Start and end times: 10:30A - 11:20A F E146 AJB
Instructors: David Tuwei (Primary Instructor), Brian Ekdale (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1500:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
22 of 25 enrolled
Course Title is
Social Media Today
Start and end times: 11:30A - 12:20P F E205 AJB
Instructors: Yafei Zhang (Primary Instructor), Brian Ekdale (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1500:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
12 of 25 enrolled
Course Title is
Social Media Today
Start and end times: 9:30A - 10:20A F 205 BCSB
Instructors: Yafei Zhang (Primary Instructor), Brian Ekdale (Course Supervisor)
JMC:1500:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
17 of 25 enrolled
Course Title is
Journalistic Reporting and Writing
Prerequisites: JMC:1200 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:1100 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 9:30A - 10:20A M W151 PBB
Instructors: Charles Munro (Primary Instructor)
This section is automatically added.
0 s.h.
Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
104 of 119 enrolled
Course Title is
Journalistic Reporting and Writing
Prerequisites: JMC:1200 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:1100 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 10:30A - 1:20P M W336 AJB
Instructors: Michael Davis (Primary Instructor), Charles Munro (Course Supervisor)
JMC:2010:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
4 s.h.
Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
18 of 20 enrolled
Course Title is
Journalistic Reporting and Writing
Prerequisites: JMC:1200 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:1100 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 1:30P - 4:20P M W336 AJB
Instructors: Michael Davis (Primary Instructor), Charles Munro (Course Supervisor)
JMC:2010:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
4 s.h.
Restricted for all students , Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
18 of 20 enrolled
Course Title is
Journalistic Reporting and Writing
Prerequisites: JMC:1200 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:1100 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 9:30A - 12:20P T W336 AJB
Instructors: John Carpenter (Primary Instructor), Charles Munro (Course Supervisor)
JMC:2010:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors , Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
19 of 20 enrolled
Course Title is
Journalistic Reporting and Writing
Prerequisites: JMC:1200 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:1100 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 12:30P - 3:20P T W336 AJB
Instructors: Patrick Bigsby (Primary Instructor), Charles Munro (Course Supervisor)
JMC:2010:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors , Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
17 of 20 enrolled
Course Title is
Journalistic Reporting and Writing
Prerequisites: JMC:1200 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:1100 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 3:30P - 6:20P T W336 AJB
Instructors: Qi Ling (Primary Instructor), Charles Munro (Course Supervisor)
JMC:2010:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors , Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
19 of 19 enrolled
Course Title is
Journalistic Reporting and Writing
Prerequisites: JMC:1200 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:1100 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 9:30A - 12:20P T W332 AJB
Instructors: Charles Munro (Primary Instructor)
JMC:2010:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors , Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
13 of 20 enrolled
Course Title is
Introduction to Multimedia Storytelling
Prerequisites: JMC:1200 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:1100 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 9:30A - 10:20A W W151 PBB
Instructors: Brian Ekdale (Primary Instructor)
This section is automatically added.
0 s.h.
Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
102 of 119 enrolled
Course Title is
Introduction to Multimedia Storytelling
Prerequisites: JMC:1200 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:1100 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 10:30A - 1:20P W W336 AJB
Instructors: Kyle Miller (Primary Instructor), Brian Ekdale (Course Supervisor)
JMC:2020:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
4 s.h.
Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
17 of 20 enrolled
Course Title is
Introduction to Multimedia Storytelling
Prerequisites: JMC:1200 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:1100 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 1:30P - 4:20P W W336 AJB
Instructors: Josh Murphy (Primary Instructor), Brian Ekdale (Course Supervisor)
JMC:2020:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors , Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
18 of 20 enrolled
Course Title is
Introduction to Multimedia Storytelling
Prerequisites: JMC:1200 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:1100 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 9:30A - 12:20P Th W336 AJB
Instructors: John Carpenter (Primary Instructor), Brian Ekdale (Course Supervisor)
JMC:2020:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors , Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
19 of 20 enrolled
Course Title is
Introduction to Multimedia Storytelling
Prerequisites: JMC:1200 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:1100 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 12:30P - 3:20P Th W336 AJB
Instructors: Patrick Bigsby (Primary Instructor), Brian Ekdale (Course Supervisor)
JMC:2020:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
4 s.h.
Restricted for all students , Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
16 of 20 enrolled
Course Title is
Introduction to Multimedia Storytelling
Prerequisites: JMC:1200 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:1100 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 3:30P - 6:20P Th W336 AJB
Instructors: Qi Ling (Primary Instructor), Brian Ekdale (Course Supervisor)
JMC:2020:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors , Restricted for all students.
Delivery Mode:
19 of 19 enrolled
Course Title is
Introduction to Multimedia Storytelling
Prerequisites: JMC:1200 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:1100 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 9:30A - 12:20P Th W332 AJB
Instructors: Kyle Miller (Primary Instructor), Brian Ekdale (Course Supervisor)
JMC:2020:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
4 s.h.
Restricted for all students , Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
13 of 20 enrolled
Independent Study
Course Title is
Journalism Internship
Prerequisites: JMC:2020 and JMC:2010 more
Arranged Time Arranged Location
View instructors (20 available)
1, 2, 3 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
Please complete the survey at when registering.
0 of Unlimited enrolled
JMC:2200:0001 Course Title is
Communication and Public Relations
Start and end times: 9:30A - 10:45A TTh 109 EPB
Instructors: Ann Haugland (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
58 of 70 enrolled
JMC:3100:0001 Course Title is
Fundraising & Philanthropy Communication
This course has specific requirements view
Start and end times: 4:30P - 7:15P M W236 AJB
Instructors: Ann Haugland (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
Contact instructor to override restriction.
13 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3116:0001 Course Title is
Comm-Based Approaches International Dev
Communication-Based Approaches to International Development
Start and end times: 9:30A - 10:45A TTh E120 AJB
Instructors: Sujatha Sosale (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
19 of 42 enrolled
JMC:3146:0001 Course Title is
Arab Spring in Context
This course has specific requirements view
Start and end times: 2:00P - 3:15P TTh E215 CB
Instructors: Ahmed Souaiaia (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
8 of 30 enrolled
JMC:3165:0001 Course Title is
African Americans and the Media
Start and end times: 5:00P - 6:15P TTh E238 AJB
Instructors: Venise Berry (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
32 of 40 enrolled
JMC:3180:0001 Course Title is
Journalism Ethics
Start and end times: 11:00A - 12:15P TTh E138 AJB
Instructors: Bradley Martin (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
25 of 42 enrolled
JMC:3181:0001 Course Title is
The Business of Sport Communication
Start and end times: 6:30P - 9:00P T 1140 LIB
Instructors: Charles Munro (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
44 of 45 enrolled
JMC:3182:0001 Course Title is
Sport, Scandal, & Strategic Comm
Start and end times: 9:30A - 10:45A TTh E105 AJB
Instructors: Travis Vogan (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
48 of 60 enrolled
Course Title is
Sport and the Media
Start and end times: 11:30A - 12:20P MW 70 VAN
Instructors: Travis Vogan (Primary Instructor)
This section is automatically added.
0 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
43 of 47 enrolled
Course Title is
Sport and the Media
Start and end times: 10:30A - 11:20A F 114 BHC
Instructors: Dain TePoel (Primary Instructor), Travis Vogan (Course Supervisor)
JMC:3183:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
22 of 24 enrolled
Course Title is
Sport and the Media
Start and end times: 11:30A - 12:20P F 114 BHC
Instructors: Dain TePoel (Primary Instructor), Travis Vogan (Course Supervisor)
JMC:3183:0AAA will be automatically added with this section
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
21 of 23 enrolled
JMC:3185:0003 Course Title is
Topics in Mass Communication
Digital Brand Development
Start and end times: 5:30P - 8:20P T E246 AJB
Instructors: Nickolas Westergaard (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
17 of 42 enrolled
JMC:3185:0005 Course Title is
Topics in Mass Communication
Social Media Marketing
Start and end times: 2:00P - 3:15P TTh E120 AJB
Instructors: Heather Spangler (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
39 of 42 enrolled
JMC:3250:0001 Course Title is
Foundations of Event Management
Start and end times: 12:30P - 1:45P TTh E146 AJB
Instructors: Heather Spangler (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
37 of 42 enrolled
JMC:3250:0002 Course Title is
Foundations of Event Management
Start and end times: 3:30P - 4:45P MW E246 AJB
Instructors: Tracy Hufford (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
16 of 42 enrolled
JMC:3250:0EXW Course Title is
Foundations of Event Management
Arranged Time World Wide Web
Instructors: John Farland (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
41 of 44 enrolled
JMC:3300:0001 Course Title is
Media Law and Communication
This course has specific requirements view
Start and end times: 11:00A - 12:15P TTh 101 BCSB
Instructors: David Ryfe (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
85 of 120 enrolled
JMC:3400:0003 Course Title is
Specialized Reporting and Writing
Caucus Campaign Coverage
Prerequisites: JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 11:30A - 1:20P MW W340 AJB
Instructors: Daniel Lathrop (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
15 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3400:0004 Course Title is
Specialized Reporting and Writing
Books: Fiction and Nonfiction
Prerequisites: JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 11:30A - 1:20P TTh W236 AJB
Instructors: Venise Berry (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
19 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3405:0001 Course Title is
Depth Reporting and Writing
Prerequisites: JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 9:30A - 11:20A MW W340 AJB
Instructors: Bradley Martin (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
17 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3410:0001 Course Title is
Magazine Reporting and Writing
Prerequisites: JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 8:30A - 10:20A TTh W236 AJB
Instructors: Tricia Brown (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
19 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3410:0002 Course Title is
Magazine Reporting and Writing
The New Magazine
Prerequisites: JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 11:30A - 1:20P TTh W340 AJB
Instructors: Stephen Bloom (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
17 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3411:0001 Course Title is
Radio and Television Storytelling
TV News Writing
Prerequisites: JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 11:30A - 1:20P MW W332 AJB
Instructors: Charles Munro (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
20 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3412:0001 Course Title is
Strategic Communication Writing
Public Relations Writing
Prerequisites: (FPC:2200 or JMC:2200) and JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 1:30P - 3:20P TTh W236 AJB
Instructors: Ann Haugland (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
20 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3460:0EXW Course Title is
Arts and Culture Reporting and Writing
Prerequisites: JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 1:30P - 3:20P TTh WWW/Plus Meeting
Instructors: Don McLeese (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
20 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3490:0EXW Course Title is
Feature Reporting and Writing
Prerequisites: JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 1:30P - 3:20P MW WWW/Plus Meeting
Instructors: Don McLeese (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
18 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3600:0001 Course Title is
Topics in Media Production
Web Basics
Prerequisites: JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 5:30P - 7:20P MW W336 AJB
Instructors: Maxwell Freund (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
16 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3600:0002 Course Title is
Topics in Media Production
Leadership Communication
Prerequisites: JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 3:30P - 5:20P MW W332 AJB
Instructors: Gregory Johnson (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
17 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3603:0001 Course Title is
TV News Production
Prerequisites: JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 9:30A - 11:20A MW W332 AJB
Instructors: Angela Looney (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
20 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3605:0001 Course Title is
Editing the News
Prerequisites: JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 4:30P - 6:20P TTh W340 AJB
Instructors: Charles Munro (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
20 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3610:0001 Course Title is
Graphic Design
Prerequisites: JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 6:30P - 10:00P T W236 AJB
Instructors: Ronald McClellen (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
20 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3610:0002 Course Title is
Graphic Design
Prerequisites: JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 1:30P - 3:20P TTh W332 AJB
Instructors: Kevin Ripka (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
19 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3615:0001 Course Title is
Strategic Communication Campaigns
Prerequisites: JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:3412 and (JMC:2200 or FPC:2200) more
Start and end times: 11:30A - 1:20P MW W236 AJB
Instructors: Rachel Young (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
16 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3620:0001 Course Title is
Applied Digital and Social Media
Prerequisites: JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- more
Start and end times: 5:30P - 7:20P TTh W332 AJB
Instructors: Heather Spangler (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
18 of 20 enrolled
JMC:3630:0001 Course Title is
Photo Storytelling: Makng Powerful Image
Prerequisites: JMC:2010 with a minimum grade of C- and JMC:2020 with a minimum grade of C-
Start and end times: 5:30P - 9:00P M W332 AJB
Instructors: Daniel Frazier (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
15 of 20 enrolled
JMC:4310:0001 Course Title is
Advanced Media Workshop
Building a New Product: From Idea to Reality
Prerequisites: JMC:3600 or JMC:3610 or JMC:3605 or JMC:3415 or JMC:3412 or JMC:3405 or FPC:3633 or JMC:3625 or JMC:3630 or JMC:3450 or JMC:3490 or JMC:3410 or JMC:3470 or JMC:3400 or JMC:3411 or JMC:3603 or JMC:3460 or JMC:3620 or JMC:3615 more
Start and end times: 5:00P - 8:20P T E254 AJB
Instructors: Stephen Bloom (Primary Instructor)
4 s.h.
Restricted for all students , Restricted to majors.
Delivery Mode:
Registration Information:
Must receive instructor permission to register for this class.
8 of 20 enrolled
Independent Study
Course Title is
Special Projects in Mass Communication
Arranged Time Arranged Location
View instructors (18 available)
Delivery Mode:
0 of Unlimited enrolled
Independent Study
Course Title is
Readings Communicatn & Mass Communicatn
Arranged Time Arranged Location
View instructors (18 available)
1, 2, 3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
0 of Unlimited enrolled
Independent Study
Course Title is
Honors Readings
This course has specific requirements view
Arranged Time Arranged Location
View instructors (18 available)
1, 2, 3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
0 of Unlimited enrolled
Independent Study
Course Title is
Honors Project
This course has specific requirements view
Arranged Time Arranged Location
View instructors (18 available)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
0 of Unlimited enrolled
JMC:5100:0001 Course Title is
Masters Seminar
Start and end times: 3:30P - 4:30P W E254 AJB
Instructors: Sujatha Sosale (Primary Instructor)
1 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
1 of Unlimited enrolled
JMC:5240:0EXW Course Title is
Social Media and Online Communication
Start and end times: 5:30P - 8:00P Th WWW/Plus Meeting
Instructors: Eric Nelson (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
19 of 20 enrolled
JMC:5248:0EXW Course Title is
Strategic Political Communication
Start and end times: 5:30P - 8:00P W WWW/Plus Meeting
Instructors: Bradley Knott (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
14 of 20 enrolled
JMC:5266:0EXA Course Title is
Risk Communication
Crisis Communication
Start and end times: 5:30P - 8:00P T JMPEC Des Moines
Instructors: Amy Jo Reimer-Myers (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
3 of 10 enrolled
JMC:5266:0EXW Course Title is
Risk Communication
Crisis Communication
Start and end times: 5:30P - 8:00P T WWW/Plus Meeting
Instructors: Amy Jo Reimer-Myers (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
9 of 10 enrolled
JMC:5300:0EXW Course Title is
Media Principles Problems and Challenges
Arranged Time World Wide Web
Instructors: Kajsa Dalrymple (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
18 of 20 enrolled
JMC:5400:0EXW Course Title is
Master's Advanced Writing and Editing
Start and end times: 5:30P - 8:00P M WWW/Plus Meeting
Instructors: Bruce Japsen (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
DOE Distance Course (EX*)
7 of 20 enrolled
Independent Study
Course Title is
Masters Tutorial
Arranged Time Arranged Location
View instructors (18 available)
Delivery Mode:
0 of Unlimited enrolled
Independent Study
Course Title is
Masters Practicum
Arranged Time Arranged Location
View instructors (18 available)
Delivery Mode:
0 of Unlimited enrolled
Independent Study
Course Title is
Masters Research
Arranged Time Arranged Location
View instructors (18 available)
Delivery Mode:
0 of Unlimited enrolled
JMC:6100:0001 Course Title is
Ph.D. Seminar
Start and end times: 3:30P - 4:30P W E254 AJB
Instructors: Sujatha Sosale (Primary Instructor)
1 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
4 of 20 enrolled
103 courses found, displaying 1 to 100.