The results of your search is showing courses in multiple departments.
5 courses found, displaying all courses.
Course # Title Hours Notes Enrollments
HIST:1040:0001 Course Title is
Diversity in History
Global Jewish History
Start and end times: 12:30P - 1:45P TTh World Wide Web
Instructors: Ari Ariel (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
28 of 30 enrolled
HIST:1040:0002 Course Title is
Diversity in History
Cold War America
Start and end times: 11:00A - 12:15P TTh 60 SH
Instructors: Jo Butterfield (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
25 of 30 enrolled
HIST:1040:0003 Course Title is
Diversity in History
Global Jewish History
Start and end times: 2:00P - 3:15P TTh World Wide Web
Instructors: Ari Ariel (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
26 of 30 enrolled
HIST:1040:0004 Course Title is
Diversity in History
Queering American History: LGBTQI History Through Popular Culture
Start and end times: 12:30P - 1:45P WF 22 SH
Instructors: Caroline Radesky (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
26 of 30 enrolled
HIST:1040:0006 Course Title is
Diversity in History
Queering American History: LGBTQI History Through Popular Culture
Start and end times: 5:00P - 6:15P MW 71 SH
Instructors: Caroline Radesky (Primary Instructor)
3 s.h.
Delivery Mode:
29 of 30 enrolled
5 courses found, displaying all courses.