The list below displays the instructors available for this section

Name Role
Belli, Meriam Primary Instructor
Bobrycki, Shane Primary Instructor
Bond, Sarah Primary Instructor
Chen, Shuang Primary Instructor
Espinosa, Mariola Primary Instructor
Giblin, James Primary Instructor
Gordon, Colin Primary Instructor
Heineman, Elizabeth Primary Instructor
Hernandez Fernandez, Viridiana Primary Instructor
Hoenicke-Moore, Michaela Primary Instructor
Howard, Ashley Primary Instructor
Midtrod, Tom Arne Primary Instructor
Murillo, Lina-Maria Primary Instructor
Nabhan-Warren, Kristy Primary Instructor
Park, Alyssa Primary Instructor
Priest, Richard Primary Instructor
Rouphail, Robert Primary Instructor
Valdespino, Gregory Primary Instructor
Warren, Stephen Primary Instructor
Yablon, Nicholas Primary Instructor
Yale, Elizabeth Primary Instructor
Young, Cory Primary Instructor