The list below displays the instructors available for this section

Name Role
Berg, Mark Primary Instructor
Bianchi, Alison Primary Instructor
Dipietro, Stephanie Primary Instructor
Glanville, Jennifer Primary Instructor
Harkness, Sarah Primary Instructor
Haylett, Jennifer Primary Instructor
Heimer, Karen Primary Instructor
Hitlin, Steven Primary Instructor
Lovaglia, Michael Primary Instructor
Lynn, Freda Primary Instructor
Noonan, Mary Primary Instructor
Ray, Victor Primary Instructor
Rogers, Meghan Primary Instructor
Ruppert, Michaela Primary Instructor
Sauder, Michael Primary Instructor
Seamster, Louise Primary Instructor
Shi, Yongren Primary Instructor
Vasi, Ion Primary Instructor
Wo, James Primary Instructor
Zaloznaya, Marina Primary Instructor