The list below displays the instructors available for this section

Name Role
Bern-Klug, Mercedes Primary Instructor
Butler, Amy Primary Instructor
Conrad, Aislinn Primary Instructor
Coohey, Carol Primary Instructor
Cummings, Stephen Primary Instructor
Farley, Yvonne Primary Instructor
Gilster, Megan Primary Instructor
Guo, May Primary Instructor
Hartley, Carolyn Primary Instructor
Haskins, Motier Primary Instructor
Houser, Kara Primary Instructor
Jackson, Robert Primary Instructor
Kleinschmit, Julia Primary Instructor
Landsman, Miriam Primary Instructor
Linden, Harmony Primary Instructor
Marchik, Billie Primary Instructor
McCrory, Kellee Primary Instructor
Oliver, Alison Primary Instructor
Sabbagh Steinberg, Nadia Primary Instructor
Sanders, Sara Primary Instructor
Swoboda, Eileen Primary Instructor
Veeh, Chris Primary Instructor
Veeh, Chris Primary Instructor
Webster, Sharaine Primary Instructor
Witry, Sarah Primary Instructor