The list below displays the instructors available for this section

Name Role
Adams, Lafayette Primary Instructor
Boos, Florence Primary Instructor
Branch, Lori Primary Instructor
Brown, Matthew Primary Instructor
Bryant, Tisa Primary Instructor
Buckley, Jennifer Primary Instructor
Creekmur, Corey Primary Instructor
D'Agata, John-Philip Primary Instructor
Febos, Melissa Primary Instructor
Fox, Claire Primary Instructor
Gidal, Eric Primary Instructor
Glass, Loren Primary Instructor
Greteman, Blaine Primary Instructor
Hall, Louisa Primary Instructor
Hooks, Adam Primary Instructor
Kelly, Donika Primary Instructor
Kruger, Marie Primary Instructor
Landon, Brooks Primary Instructor
Lavezzo, Kathy Primary Instructor
Merrill, Christopher Primary Instructor
Minor, Sarah Primary Instructor
Sims, Bennett Primary Instructor
Stecopoulos, Harry Primary Instructor
Stewart, Garrett Primary Instructor
Sunstein, Bonnie Primary Instructor
Verzemnieks, Inara Primary Instructor
Voyce, Stephen Primary Instructor
Wilcox, Jonathan Primary Instructor
Witt, Doris Primary Instructor
Wittenberg, David Primary Instructor