The list below displays the instructors available for this section
Name | Role |
Achutan, P | Primary Instructor |
Affholter, Dennis | Primary Instructor |
An, Hyonggin | Primary Instructor |
Anderson, Rachel | Primary Instructor |
Andsager, Julie | Primary Instructor |
Anthony, Renee | Primary Instructor |
Anton, Daniel | Primary Instructor |
Aquilino, Mary | Primary Instructor |
Armstead, Theresa | Primary Instructor |
Arndt, Stephan | Primary Instructor |
Atchison, Christopher | Primary Instructor |
Bahensky, James | Primary Instructor |
Baker, Kelly | Primary Instructor |
Bao, Wei | Primary Instructor |
Barnette, J | Primary Instructor |
Bickett-Weddle, Danelle | Primary Instructor |
Black, Donald | Primary Instructor |
Blanck, Peter | Primary Instructor |
Breuer, George | Primary Instructor |
Burmeister, Leon | Primary Instructor |
Burns, Trudy | Primary Instructor |
Bylund-Lincoln, Carma | Primary Instructor |
Campo, Shelly | Primary Instructor |
Carnahan, Ryan | Primary Instructor |
Carvour, Martha | Primary Instructor |
Cavanaugh, Joe | Primary Instructor |
Cerhan, James | Primary Instructor |
Chaloner, Kathryn | Primary Instructor |
Charlton, Mary | Primary Instructor |
Chrischilles, Elizabeth | Primary Instructor |
Clark, Mary | Primary Instructor |
Clarke, William | Primary Instructor |
Coffey, Christopher | Primary Instructor |
Cook, Thomas | Primary Instructor |
Coulter, Joe | Primary Instructor |
Cowles, Kate | Primary Instructor |
Cram, Peter | Primary Instructor |
Currier, Russell | Primary Instructor |
Cyphert, Stacey | Primary Instructor |
Dawson, Deborah | Primary Instructor |
Dawson, Jeffrey | Primary Instructor |
DeFurio, Anthony | Primary Instructor |
Dennis, Leslie | Primary Instructor |
Desjardin, Lucy | Primary Instructor |
Doebbeling, Bradley | Primary Instructor |
Doern, Gary | Primary Instructor |
Donham, Kelley | Primary Instructor |
Ferguson, Kristi | Primary Instructor |
Fethke, Nathan | Primary Instructor |
Fiedorowicz, Jess | Primary Instructor |
Field, R | Primary Instructor |
Fuortes, Laurence | Primary Instructor |
Galask, Rudolph | Primary Instructor |
Gentsch, Dawn | Primary Instructor |
George, Andrew | Primary Instructor |
Gerr, Fredric | Primary Instructor |
Gilchrist, Mary | Primary Instructor |
Gill, James | Primary Instructor |
Gittler, Josephine | Primary Instructor |
Gray, Gregory | Primary Instructor |
Greene, Barry | Primary Instructor |
Hamann, Cara | Primary Instructor |
Hausler, William | Primary Instructor |
Heiden, Erin | Primary Instructor |
Heitbrink, William | Primary Instructor |
Hemmingson-Van Beek, Marta | Primary Instructor |
Herwaldt, Loreen | Primary Instructor |
Hesson, William | Primary Instructor |
Hockenberry, Jason | Primary Instructor |
Hohl, Raymond | Primary Instructor |
Hsu, Shu-Ying | Primary Instructor |
Huang, Jian | Primary Instructor |
Janz, Kathleen | Primary Instructor |
Jones, Martin | Primary Instructor |
Jones, Michael | Primary Instructor |
Kaboli, Peter | Primary Instructor |
Kaskie, Brian | Primary Instructor |
Kelly, Kevin | Primary Instructor |
Kim, Yong-Chan | Primary Instructor |
Kline, Joel | Primary Instructor |
Kohatsu, Neal | Primary Instructor |
Lang, Joseph | Primary Instructor |
Langbehn, Douglas | Primary Instructor |
Lauer, Ronald | Primary Instructor |
Lehmler, Hans-Joachim | Primary Instructor |
Levey, Samuel | Primary Instructor |
Liu, Dawei | Primary Instructor |
Logue, Mark | Primary Instructor |
Lowe, John | Primary Instructor |
Ludewig, Gabriele | Primary Instructor |
Lynch, Charles | Primary Instructor |
Lynch, Nancy | Primary Instructor |
Mahoney, Larry | Primary Instructor |
McCue, Maureen | Primary Instructor |
Meier, Jeffery | Primary Instructor |
Merchant, James | Primary Instructor |
Momany, Elizabeth | Primary Instructor |
Murphy, Richard | Primary Instructor |
Murray, Jeffrey | Primary Instructor |
Nash, Sarah | Primary Instructor |
Nathan, Peter | Primary Instructor |
Nidey, Nichole | Primary Instructor |
Nothwehr, Faryle | Primary Instructor |
O'Rorke, Michael | Primary Instructor |
O'Shaughnessy, Patrick | Primary Instructor |
Ohsfeldt, Robert | Primary Instructor |
Oleson, Jacob | Primary Instructor |
Osterberg, David | Primary Instructor |
Parker, Edith | Primary Instructor |
Peek-Asa, Corinne | Primary Instructor |
Pendergast, Jane | Primary Instructor |
Pentella, Michael | Primary Instructor |
Perencevich, Eli | Primary Instructor |
Peters, Tom | Primary Instructor |
Petersen, Christine | Primary Instructor |
Peterson, Nelson | Primary Instructor |
Pfaller, Michael | Primary Instructor |
Pfohl, Bruce | Primary Instructor |
Phillips, Kirk | Primary Instructor |
Platt, Jonathan | Primary Instructor |
Polgreen, Philip | Primary Instructor |
Price, James | Primary Instructor |
Prussing, Erica | Primary Instructor |
Prybil, Lawrence | Primary Instructor |
Quinlisk, Patricia | Primary Instructor |
Ramirez, Marizen | Primary Instructor |
Rice, Ann | Primary Instructor |
Riggs, Sheila | Primary Instructor |
Robertson, Larry | Primary Instructor |
Robinson, Jennifer | Primary Instructor |
Robnett, Michelle | Primary Instructor |
Romitti, Paul | Primary Instructor |
Rosenthal, Gary | Primary Instructor |
Rushton, Gerard | Primary Instructor |
Ryckman, Kelli | Primary Instructor |
Saftlas, Audrey | Primary Instructor |
Sanderson, Wayne | Primary Instructor |
Schneider, John | Primary Instructor |
Schootman, Mario | Primary Instructor |
Schrott, Helmut | Primary Instructor |
Schweizer, Marin | Primary Instructor |
Shochet, Tara | Primary Instructor |
Skinstad, Anne | Primary Instructor |
Smith, Brian | Primary Instructor |
Smith, Elaine | Primary Instructor |
Smith, Tara | Primary Instructor |
Snetselaar, Linda | Primary Instructor |
Sprince, Nancy | Primary Instructor |
Staley, John | Primary Instructor |
Stumbo, Phyllis Joy | Primary Instructor |
Thompson, Nancy | Primary Instructor |
Thorne, Peter | Primary Instructor |
Torner, James | Primary Instructor |
Tracy, Roger | Primary Instructor |
Uden-Holman, Tanya | Primary Instructor |
Vandyke, Don | Primary Instructor |
Vaughan, Emmett | Primary Instructor |
Vaughn, Thomas | Primary Instructor |
Vieland, Veronica | Primary Instructor |
Wagner, James | Primary Instructor |
Wakefield, Douglas | Primary Instructor |
Walkner, Laurie | Primary Instructor |
Wallace, Robert | Primary Instructor |
Wallis, Anne | Primary Instructor |
Wang, Kai | Primary Instructor |
Ward, Marcia | Primary Instructor |
Wehby, George | Primary Instructor |
Westermann, Jorg | Primary Instructor |
Wichman, Michael | Primary Instructor |
Willard, Pamela | Primary Instructor |
Wilson, Mary | Primary Instructor |
Wolinsky, Fredric | Primary Instructor |
Woodworth, George | Primary Instructor |
Woolson, Robert | Primary Instructor |
Xing, Yi | Primary Instructor |
Yang, Ginger | Primary Instructor |
Zamba, Gideon | Primary Instructor |
Zhang, Ying | Primary Instructor |
Zimmerman, Dale | Primary Instructor |
Zimmerman, M Bridget | Primary Instructor |
Zwerling, Craig | Primary Instructor |