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  A Sample Plan represents one way to complete a program of study. Actual course selection and sequence will vary and should be discussed with your academic advisor(s).

Epidemiology PHD (Thesis)

Academic Career

0 s.h.
78 s.h. must be graduate level coursework; graduate transfer credits allowed upon approval. More information is included in the General Catalog and on department website. a
A program GPA of at least 3.00 is required.

First Year

23 - 25 s.h.

Any Semester

0 s.h.
Preceptorship Requirement b
PhD Qualifying Exam c
Department Seminar d


11 - 12 s.h.
BIOS:4120 - Introduction to Biostatistics 3 s.h.
EPID:4400 - Epidemiology I: Principles 3 s.h.
EPID:5600 - Intro to Epi Data Management & Analysis 3 s.h.
CPH:6100 - Essentials of Public Health 2 s.h.
CPH:7270 - Princ Scholarly Integrity: Public Health e 0 s.h.
EPID:5925 - Epidemiology Journal Club f 0 - 1 s.h.


12 - 13 s.h.
EPID:5241 - Statistical Methods in Epidemiology 4 s.h.
EPID:5610 - Intermediate Epi Data Analysis SAS & R 3 s.h.
EPID:6400 - Epidemiology II: Advanced Methods 4 s.h.
CPH:7270 - Princ Scholarly Integrity: Public Health e 1 s.h.
EPID:5925 - Epidemiology Journal Club f 0 - 1 s.h.

Second Year

24 - 30 s.h.

Any Semester

0 s.h.
Department Seminar d


12 - 15 s.h.
HHP:3500 - Human Physiology or MPB:5153 - Graduate Physiology 3 - 4 s.h.
EPID:6100 - Writing a Grant Proposal 3 s.h.
EPID:7400 - Epidemiology III: Theories 3 s.h.
PATH:5270 - Pathogenesis of Major Human Diseases or PATH:8133 - Introduction to Human Pathology Grad Stu g 3 - 4 s.h.
EPID:5925 - Epidemiology Journal Club f 0 - 1 s.h.


12 - 15 s.h.
BIOS:6210 - Applied Survival Analysis or Elective h i 3 s.h.
EPID:6050 - Research in Epidemiology 3 s.h.
Elective h 3 - 4 s.h.
Elective h 3 - 4 s.h.
EPID:5925 - Epidemiology Journal Club f 0 - 1 s.h.

Third Year

21 - 27 s.h.

Any Semester

0 s.h.
Comprehensive Exam j
Prospectus Defense
Department Seminar d


12 - 15 s.h.
BIOS:6310 - Introductory Longitudinal Data Analysis or Elective h i 3 s.h.
Elective h 3 s.h.
Elective h 3 - 4 s.h.
Elective h 3 - 4 s.h.
EPID:5925 - Epidemiology Journal Club f 0 - 1 s.h.


9 - 12 s.h.
Elective h 3 - 4 s.h.
Elective h 3 - 4 s.h.
Elective h 3 - 4 s.h.

Fourth Year

10 - 18 s.h.

Any Semester

0 s.h.
Department Seminar d


9 s.h.
EPID:7000 - Thesis/Dissertation 9 s.h.


1 - 9 s.h.
EPID:7000 - Thesis/Dissertation 1 - 9 s.h.
Final Exam k
a Students must complete specific requirements in the University of Iowa Graduate College after program admission. Refer to the Graduate College website and the Manual of Rules and Regulations for more information.
b Students who did not complete the Epidemiology MS program at UI are required to take EPID:5950 Preceptorship or receive program approval to substitute a previously completed equivalent course; must be completed by end of the first year.
c Taken during spring semester of the first year (or after completion of epidemiology core coursework); same as the MS final examination with the addition of an essay exam.
d Students must attend the Epidemiology department seminar and are expected to achieve at least 80% attendance during each semester of enrollment; PhD students are required to make one presentation at Department Seminar preferably during the semester of the dissertation defense.
e Taken in the fall and spring of first year for 0 s.h. and 1 s.h., respectively.
f PhD students are required to achieve at least 80% attendance for five semesters; prior MS attendance does not count. If taken for 1 s.h., the credit will not be applied toward the minimum semesters hours required for the PhD in Epidemiology.
g Students with a strong biosciences background may substitute PATH:5270 for PATH:8133 if it fits better with their training plan. PATH:5270 is an a advanced course that requires a strong foundation in molecular biology and related disciplines, but may be suitable for some students.
h At least 3 s.h. of electives must be from the Epidemiology department (prefix EPID) and outside of Research Interest Area; see General Catalog and website for coursework and specifics. Work with faculty advisor to select appropriate graduate elective coursework in Research Interest Area.
i Students must complete either BIOS:6210 (typically during second year fall semester) or BIOS:6310 (typically during third year fall semester).
j Taken after the majority of coursework for the PhD degree has been completed.
k Dissertation defense.
Note: select a footnote letter next to an item to view the footnote.