A Sample Plan represents one way to complete a program of study. Actual course selection and sequence will vary and should be discussed with your academic advisor(s).

MPH Program (Epidemiology) MPH

Academic Career

0 s.h.
Course Semester Hours
42 s.h. of graduate level coursework must be completed; graduate transfer credits allowed upon approval. More information is included in the General Catalog and on department website. a
MPH Epidemiology students are also required to attend a departmental seminar series during each semester of enrollment in the program. b
Graduate College program GPA of at least 3.00 is required. c
Students must earn a grade of B- or better in each of the six MPH common core courses and must have a combined GPA of 3.00 or better in these courses. When necessary, a student may repeat a course to meet this requirement.
Every student is required to present at least one scientific poster at the department level and is encouraged to present at the international, national, regional, state, or university level at some point before graduation. This may be the same poster presented during the MPH Applied Practice poster presentation.

First Year

26 s.h.


12 s.h.
Course Semester Hours
BIOS:4120 - Introduction to Biostatistics 3 s.h.
CPH:5100 - Introduction to Public Health 3 s.h.
EPID:4400 - Epidemiology I: Principles 3 s.h.
EPID:5600 - Intro to Epi Data Management & Analysis 3 s.h.
EPID:5925 - Epidemiology Journal Club d 0 s.h.


14 s.h.
Course Semester Hours
CBH:4105 - Intro to Health Promotion & Disease Prev 3 s.h.
EPID:5241 - Statistical Methods in Epidemiology 4 s.h.
EPID:5925 - Epidemiology Journal Club d 0 s.h.
EPID:6400 - Epidemiology II: Advanced Methods 4 s.h.
HMP:4000 - Introduction to U.S. Health Care System 3 s.h.

Second Year

16 - 17 s.h.


9 - 10 s.h.
Course Semester Hours
CPH:5203 - Interprof Educ & Pract MPH Students e 0 s.h.
EPID:5540 - Public Health Surveillance 3 s.h.
EPID:5925 - Epidemiology Journal Club d 0 s.h.
OEH:4240 - Global Environmental Health 3 s.h.
PATH:5270 - Pathogenesis of Major Human Diseases or PATH:8133 - Introduction to Human Pathology Grad Stu 3 - 4 s.h.


7 s.h.
Course Semester Hours
CPH:7200 - MPH Capstone Experience f 1 s.h.
CPH:7500 - MPH Applied Practice Experience f 2 s.h.
EPID:5580 - Public Health Laboratory Techniques 1 s.h.
EPID Elective g h 3 s.h.
Footnote Letter Footnote Description
a Students must complete specific requirements in the University of Iowa Graduate College after program admission. Refer to the Graduate College website and the Manual of Rules and Regulations for more information.
b Students are expected to achieve at least 80% attendance at the seminar during each semester of enrollment.
c Graduate College program GPA is comprised of all courses that are approved degree requirements. If a student takes more than the minimum required number of semester hours to complete the degree, but all courses taken are eligible to count toward the degree, those courses will be included in the Graduate College program GPA.
d Students are required to achieve at least 80% attendance at Journal Club for three semesters during their time in the program.
e CPH:5203 is a single day activity, and students must complete this during fall semester of the second year.
f Students must complete the six MPH common core courses (BIOS:4120, CBH:4105, CPH:5100, EPID:4400, HMP:4000, OEH:4240) prior to taking this course. Exceptions are granted on a case-by-case basis.
g Elective must have EPID prefix or may be either BIOS:6210 or BIOS:6310.
h Work with faculty advisor for approval of appropriate graduate level coursework.
Note: select a footnote letter next to an item to view the footnote.